Your Personalized Chakra Aligning Course

8 Week Program with Carson, Rose, or Selysa to
Emotional Balance and Peace

You are reading this because you are ready for change.

You are tired of feeling down, disconnected, depressed.

You know that you are meant to live a life of love and flow.

You crave peace.

But you aren't sure how to get there.

According to the ancient Vedas of India, you have seven chakras, or energy centers, connected to your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

Its why you feel love in your chest, or joy in your belly.

When you feel "off," there is a direct correspondence to one or more chakras being blocked, over active, or underactive.​​

Balancing your Chakras is a path to healing known and invisible traumas - traumas you don't even realize you are carrying, yet they weigh down your life daily.

What's included in the course?

  • A private, customized reiki healing session for each chakra, eight sessions total.

  • An in depth study of how each energy center is connected to your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

  • Weekly "homework," which may include meditations, breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices to continue healing in between sessions.

By the end of the course, you'll have the tools to connect with, align, and balance your energy on your own, making you the master of your emotions, life, and peace.


"Selysa is such a blessing. She helped me through the darkest time of my life.

My 18 year old daughter committed suicide, my grandma passed away, and my daughter’s friend committed suicide. I was at a loss, completely raw. Everything was falling apart. I was undergoing three different therapies and a high dose of antidepressants, yet nothing helped me.

I did one healing session and my God, she gave me the hope, the push, to look forward to living life again. I came back for the Chakra Aligning Course. I had finally found something that gave me peace & love. Now I'm able to cope with everything. I have found a new spiritual path that I am eager to learn more about. I want to send my many thanks and blessings to Selysa Love. You have given me a purpose."

— Jenny

"Selysa appeared in my life at the perfect moment. They say the master will appear when the student is ready. Well, I was more than ready. I was at a point in my life where I could no longer tolerate the pain and I was needing a change. I was ready to learn how to heal myself and be free from my own self imposed shackles.

I did not know what to expect when I first meet Selysa. Reiki was a new concept to me and a little out of my wheelhouse, but I reminded myself to get comfortable being uncomfortable because I knew my next break through was cloaked in the fear of my own limiting belief. I was excited and nervous but somehow I knew innately she was the one who would hold space to guide me on my healing journey. Selysa can single handedly release people from their pain and light their soul on fire. She created a safe place for me to grow by weaving the cocoon I needed for my development and awakening.

I am forever grateful to Selysa for releasing my blocks and sharing her beautiful gift with the world. She has lit my soul on fire and I plan to use that fire for the next chapter in my life. Thank you Love for being brave and putting yourself out there with your talents, because you have had such a huge impact on me and the people in my world. For that, I am ever grateful!"

— Lance

"Every experience has been amazing. Selysa has a beautiful soul, incredible energy, and a connection that is warm and inspiring. As a newcomer to spititual guidance, I didn't know what to expect. During my first visit, Selysa was very welcoming. She asked great questions, listened with sincerity, and helped me understand my new journey. Over the last few months since first meeting Selysa, I honestly feel like a new person. Her reiki sessions and Chakra Aligning Course have healed and relaxed my body and mind, and for that, I am forever grateful."

— Draper

"Selysa is a beautiful, pure and loving soul with a kind and gentle voice. When she speaks, it is with purpose and poise. One quickly feels at home in her presence because she genuinely cares and it is felt deeply in one's core. She makes it easy to share painful and emotional memories and she will also transform these emotional scars, if you allow her to.

I did the chakra alignment course with Selysa and I feel like the best version of myself. I have never felt this centered, grounded, happy and full of light in my life. I only wish I had done this for myself sooner.

The first session was pure magic. I felt my body heal itself through Selysa's loving magic and was instantly hooked. My chakras were in need of balance and I was always afraid to attempt such a thing on my own. Selysa has taught me how to meditate and that in itself is priceless. I am now able to get into a deep meditative and healing state on my own and words can't describe how much that has changed my life for the better. I could go on and on about the healing magic that Selysa embodies, but I will stop and let you find out for yourself."

— Atolonia

"Selysa Love is a wonderful, gentle soul who is committed to helping her clients. I have seen her for regular Reiki sessions over the last couple of months, completed the Chakra Aligning Course, and I've been very pleased with the results. I've found that meditative peace of mind is more easily achieved, and I'm more in tune with my body and the energy that flows through it. If you are interested in experiencing Reiki I highly recommend Selysa!"

— Yazmin


The price of eight Reiki healing sessions, depending on your practitioner's rate - see our Practitioners page for more details.